Examples and free developer templates to explore and build on
Do you want to explore what you can build in DynaMaker? Or do you want a template that you can use right away in your configuration project? Each of the examples below is an interactive live application that you can try out, and if you want, you can get the app as a free starting template sent to your DynaMaker developer account.
Explore the live demos below, and if you want one (or more!) just use the contact form and ask us for the free templates you want.

TEMPLATE: Conveyor Layout designer
Configure a sequence of transport conveyors in 2D/3D with CAD and BIM exports

TEMPLATE: Shower stand customization
An example of how to do customize made to measure products in e-commerce.

TEMPLATE: Extruded Aluminum Profile made to measurement
Configure your sheet metal cabinet for electronic equipment to exact measurements with drawing and BIM export.

TEMPLATE: Glas Railing Configurator with drawing and BIM
Let customers and architects to customize their glass railing from your webpage and get PDF / DXF drawings and BIM instantly.

TEMPLATE: Perforated sheet calculator
Parametric patterns and formulas for hexagonal or rectangular holes

TEMPLATE: Lifting table Load & Size Calculator
Let customers fill in what they want to lift and let the configurator decide what force and size is needed.

TEMPLATE: Aluminum profile CAD extrusion configurator
Design your T-slot profiles to measurements based on your 2D CAD cross sections sketches (.dxf)

TEMPLATE: Industry gate and garage configurator
Let clients and distributors set the size of their doors and industrial gates, and get everything auto-generated from BOM to PDF drawings

TEMPLATE: Load Handling Equipment
Visualize an assembly of moving parts with connectors. Enable range calculation and load design for loader cranes.

TEMPLATE: Heavy duty racking shelves configurator
Customize the size of your steel shelf system with jus a few dimensions and inputs
Do you want one or more templates? Contact and ask us for the template you want, and we will send it to your DynaMaker team.