Template – Conveyor Layout configurator

Working with multi model configurations can be tricky. One way to simplify things is to create a predefined sequence of products where each new item connects to the next in a predictable way. This can be used for creating conveyors or similar and we have created a starting template just for that.

Template – Greenhouse 3D configurator

This is one of many template projects available for a quick start with customization in DynaMaker. It’s a simple one-step configurator that enables parametric customization of a greenhouse with automated CAD exports. See the video below for an example of how it could work for your e-commerce!

Integrations with SendGrid and Auth0

Most online applications work together with other systems and solutions to help users design and customize products online. Therefore they almost always have to be connected to a homepage, e-commerce, ERP, customer portals and similar to do their intended work.

As a fast and standardize way of connecting the applications your create with DynaMaker to these type of platforms we have now released plugins in the developer dashboard!

Develop a CAD configurator for the web

When working with an all-in-one cloud service like DynaMaker you can pretty much follow these 10-steps to develop your first CAD configurator for web, e-commerce or CPQ. All the technical aspects can be found on docs.dynamaker.com or by a discussion with our support team. The hardest part is usually doing things in the right order.

Management strategy in digitalized manufacturing

Are you trying to digitalize your business and leverage new modern tools for automation and IT? Then we have the tools and know-how to help you!

With so many new platforms, technologies, and solutions on the market it can sometimes be hard to find the way all by yourself. Therefore we have created a strategy for navigating this and collected a few cases on how this can be done in a proper way.

With a focus on having an automated flow of information, orders, data through the company and working with software and technology that develops at an exponential speed, we have collected a few cases that can be used for inspiration and comparison when setting your own management strategy.

Guidelines to start with

  • Don`t reinvent the wheel – Never start from scratch if its not core business. There is a platform available for everything today.
  • Ensure Accessibility – When everybody is using digital solutions you cannot have internal IT running around patching and installing for everyone manually.
  • Fast feedback during development – Demand fast results to understand and test core concepts.
  • Make sure the simple system works first – Well functioning complex systems can only come from well functioning simple systems.
  • Modules instead of Monoliths – Decouple the IT infrastructure for faster development and long time maintainability
  • Automated Checks – Make sure that old rules are still valid when developing new
  • Performance – Make sure to distribute the load in a way that scales

The DynaMaker cloud service is designed to respect these guidelines and be a long-term puzzle piece in your digital ecosystem.